Keyboard Shortcuts
N.B. On macOS the shortcuts use cmd instead of Ctrl and option instead of alt
Grouped by function | |
Keys | Function |
F1 | Show Help |
F2 | Show Help on Selected Item |
Ctrl+M | Measure Response |
Ctrl+N | Show Info Panel |
Ctrl+S | Save Measurement |
Ctrl+O | Open Measurement File |
Ctrl+Shift+S | Save All Measurements |
Ctrl+Alt+O | Open Filter file |
Ctrl+Alt+S | Save Filters |
Ctrl+Alt+R | Export RT60 data |
Ctrl+I | Import Measured Data |
Ctrl+Alt+I | Import Impedance Measurement |
Ctrl+Shift+I | Import Impulse Response |
Ctrl+Shift+U | Import Audio Data |
Ctrl+Shift+N | Import Sweep Recording |
Ctrl+Backspace | Delete Current Measurement |
Ctrl+Shift+Backspace | Delete All Measurements |
Ctrl+Shift+K | Show Room Simulator |
Ctrl+Shift+L | Show Level Meters |
Ctrl+Shift+M | Show SPL Meter |
Ctrl+Shift+O | Show SPL Logger |
Ctrl+Shift+P | Show TS Parameters window |
Ctrl+Shift+Q | Show EQ panel |
Ctrl+Shift+R | Show Signal generator |
Ctrl+Shift+C | Show Scope |
Ctrl+Shift+T | Show RTA |
Ctrl+Shift+V | Show Overlays Window |
Ctrl+Shift+W | Show IR Windows panel |
Ctrl+Alt+M | Show Generate minimum phase dialog |
Ctrl+Shift+E | Show Preferences |
Ctrl+F | Retrieve Filter Settings from Unit |
Ctrl+Shift+F | Send Filter Settings to Unit |
Ctrl+Delete | Reset Filters for Current Measurement |
Ctrl+LEFT | Select previous graph group |
Ctrl+RIGHT | Select next graph group |
Ctrl+1 | Select first graph group |
Ctrl+2 | Select second graph group |
Ctrl+3 | Select third graph group |
Ctrl+4 | Select fourth graph group |
Ctrl+5 | Select fifth graph group |
Ctrl+6 | Select sixth graph group |
Ctrl+7 | Select seventh graph group |
Ctrl+8 | Select eighth graph group |
Ctrl+9 | Select ninth graph group |
Ctrl+Shift+G | Show/hide grid |
Ctrl+Shift+H | Show/temporarily hide cursors |
Ctrl+Shift+A | Frequency Axis Log/Linear |
Ctrl+Z | Undo Zoom |
Ctrl+Alt+F | Fit graph to data |
Ctrl+Alt+Y | Fit graph Y axis to data |
Ctrl+Alt+P | Fit position in graph, e.g. peak on impulse graph |
Ctrl+Shift+1 | Apply 1/1 octave smoothing |
Ctrl+Shift+2 | Apply 1/2 octave smoothing |
Ctrl+Shift+3 | Apply 1/3 octave smoothing |
Ctrl+Shift+6 | Apply 1/6 octave smoothing |
Ctrl+Shift+7 | Apply 1/12 octave smoothing |
Ctrl+Shift+8 | Apply 1/24 octave smoothing |
Ctrl+Shift+9 | Apply 1/48 octave smoothing |
Ctrl+Shift+X | Apply variable smoothing |
Ctrl+Shift+Y | Apply psychoacoustic smoothing |
Ctrl+Shift+Z | Apply ERB smoothing |
Ctrl+0 | Remove smoothing |
Ctrl+Shift+J | Save Graph As JPEG |
LEFT, RIGHT, UP, DOWN | Move graph cursor |
Shift + LEFT, RIGHT, UP, DOWN | Move graph |
x | Zoom out horizontally |
Shift+x | Zoom in horizontally |
y | Zoom out vertically |
Shift+y | Zoom in vertically |
Alt+1 | Select measurement 1 |
Alt+2 | Select measurement 2 |
Alt+3 | Select measurement 3 |
Alt+4 | Select measurement 4 |
Alt+5 | Select measurement 5 |
Alt+6 | Select measurement 6 |
Alt+7 | Select measurement 7 |
Alt+8 | Select measurement 8 |
Alt+9 | Select measurement 9 |
Alt+UP | Select previous measurement |
Alt+DOWN | Select next measurement |
Ctrl+UP | Select previous measurement |
Ctrl+DOWN | Select next measurement |
Ctrl+D | Disable the currently selected measurement |
Ctrl+E | Enable all measurements |
Ctrl+H | Toggle overlay highlight for the currently selected measurement |
Ctrl+L | Lock the currently selected measurement |
Ctrl+U | Unlock all measurements |
Alt+A | Average the responses in All SPL graph |
Alt+B | Save both in RTA window |
Alt+C | Show the graph capture dialog |
Alt+D | Toggle Distortion button in RTA window |
Alt+G | Generate Decay or Waterfall plots |
Alt+N | Open stepped sine dialog in RTA window |
Alt+O | Open a WAV file for processing in RTA window |
Alt+P | Save peak in RTA window |
Alt+R | Reset Averaging in RTA window |
Alt+S | Save current in RTA window |
Alt+T | Start/stop the RTA |
Alt+Z | Set t=0 at cursor in Impulse graph |
Ctrl+Alt+E | Estimate IR delay for the currently selected measurement |
N.B. On macOS the shortcuts use cmd instead of Ctrl and option instead of alt
Listed in key order | |
Keys | Function |
Alt+1 | Select measurement 1 |
Alt+2 | Select measurement 2 |
Alt+3 | Select measurement 3 |
Alt+4 | Select measurement 4 |
Alt+5 | Select measurement 5 |
Alt+6 | Select measurement 6 |
Alt+7 | Select measurement 7 |
Alt+8 | Select measurement 8 |
Alt+9 | Select measurement 9 |
Alt+UP | Select previous measurement |
Alt+DOWN | Select next measurement |
Alt+A | Average the responses in All SPL graph |
Alt+B | Save both in RTA window |
Alt+C | Show the graph capture dialog |
Alt+D | Toggle Distortion button in RTA window |
Alt+G | Generate Decay or Waterfall plots |
Alt+N | Open stepped sine dialog in RTA window |
Alt+O | Open a WAV file for processing in RTA window |
Alt+P | Save peak in RTA window |
Alt+R | Reset Averaging in RTA window |
Alt+S | Save current in RTA window |
Alt+T | Start/stop the RTA |
Alt+Z | Set t=0 at cursor in Impulse graph |
Ctrl+LEFT | Select previous graph group |
Ctrl+RIGHT | Select next graph group |
Ctrl+UP | Select previous measurement |
Ctrl+DOWN | Select next measurement |
Ctrl+0 | Remove smoothing |
Ctrl+1 | Select first graph group |
Ctrl+2 | Select second graph group |
Ctrl+3 | Select third graph group |
Ctrl+4 | Select fourth graph group |
Ctrl+5 | Select fifth graph group |
Ctrl+6 | Select sixth graph group |
Ctrl+7 | Select seventh graph group |
Ctrl+8 | Select eighth graph group |
Ctrl+9 | Select ninth graph group |
Ctrl+D | Disable the currently selected measurement |
Ctrl+E | Enable all measurements |
Ctrl+F | Retrieve Filter Settings from Unit |
Ctrl+H | Toggle overlay highlight for the currently selected measurement |
Ctrl+I | Import Measured Data |
Ctrl+L | Lock the currently selected measurement |
Ctrl+M | Measure Response |
Ctrl+N | Show Info Panel |
Ctrl+O | Open Measurement |
Ctrl+S | Save Measurement |
Ctrl+U | Unlock all measurements |
Ctrl+Z | Undo Zoom |
Ctrl+Alt+E | Estimate IR delay for the currently selected measurement |
Ctrl+Alt+F | Fit graph to data |
Ctrl+Alt+I | Import Impedance Measurement |
Ctrl+Alt+M | Show Generate minimum phase dialog |
Ctrl+Alt+O | Open Filter file |
Ctrl+Alt+P | Fit position in graph, e.g. peak on impulse graph |
Ctrl+Alt+R | Export RT60 data |
Ctrl+Alt+S | Save Filters |
Ctrl+Alt+Y | Fit graph Y axis to data |
Ctrl+Backspace | Delete Current Measurement |
Ctrl+Delete | Reset Filters for Current Measurement |
Ctrl+Shift+1 | Apply 1/1 octave smoothing |
Ctrl+Shift+2 | Apply 1/2 octave smoothing |
Ctrl+Shift+3 | Apply 1/3 octave smoothing |
Ctrl+Shift+6 | Apply 1/6 octave smoothing |
Ctrl+Shift+7 | Apply 1/12 octave smoothing |
Ctrl+Shift+8 | Apply 1/24 octave smoothing |
Ctrl+Shift+9 | Apply 1/48 octave smoothing |
Ctrl+Shift+A | Frequency Axis Log/Linear |
Ctrl+Shift+C | Show Scope |
Ctrl+Shift+E | Show Preferences |
Ctrl+Shift+F | Send Filter Settings to Unit |
Ctrl+Shift+G | Show/hide grid |
Ctrl+Shift+H | Show/temporarily hide cursors |
Ctrl+Shift+I | Import .pcm Impulse Response |
Ctrl+Shift+J | Save Graph As JPEG |
Ctrl+Shift+K | Show Room Simulator |
Ctrl+Shift+L | Show Level Meters |
Ctrl+Shift+M | Show SPL Meter |
Ctrl+Shift+N | Import Sweep Recording |
Ctrl+Shift+O | Show SPL Logger |
Ctrl+Shift+P | Show TS Parameters window |
Ctrl+Shift+Q | Show EQ panel |
Ctrl+Shift+R | Show Signal generator |
Ctrl+Shift+S | Save All Measurements |
Ctrl+Shift+T | Show RTA |
Ctrl+Shift+U | Import Audio Data |
Ctrl+Shift+V | Show Overlays Window |
Ctrl+Shift+W | Show IR Windows panel |
Ctrl+Shift+X | Apply variable smoothing |
Ctrl+Shift+Y | Apply psychoacoustic smoothing |
Ctrl+Shift+Z | Apply ERB smoothing |
Ctrl+Shift+Backspace | Delete All Measurements |
LEFT, RIGHT, UP, DOWN | Move graph cursor |
Shift + LEFT, RIGHT, UP, DOWN | Move graph |
x | Zoom out horizontally |
Shift+x | Zoom in horizontally |
y | Zoom out vertically |
Shift+y | Zoom in vertically |